"City of Heavenly Fire" by Cassandra Clare
This is the end of an epic saga - not really though, since Cassandra Clare keeps on writing and showing us our favorite lil' babies ♥
Anyway, around all of the studying I had to do for my final exams at university, I managed to read this big baby. I'm able to say that I loved it (again) and that I really really love this series. I may have annoyed by bestie by talking about The Mortal instruments (a lot). So, let me tell you what I liked or maybe disliked about this book.
ONLY CONTINUE READING if you have read books one to five! Seriously, enjoy them first!
The Shadowhunters are in a war against Sebastian and his Endarkened. The only safe place is Idris, but with all the Shadowhunters in hiding, there is no one to protect the world from demons. Clary and her friends are the only ones who can save the world and so they go after Sebastian.
The Facts
Pages: 725 pages
Published: 27th of May 2014
>> Take a look on Goodreads <<
My Opinion:
This ending of an amazing series is full of heartbreak, action and humor - it is quite epic and with over 700 pages the longest as well. I think it's a good ending for this series.
The plot is better than it was in "City of Lost Souls" and it was very interesting. It stretched well over the 700 pages and didn't feel too long. Of course it mirrors the first ending a bit (in "City of Glass") since both show the end of war, but that felt like a nice full circle.
The best part was, of course, the characters and how their relationships turned out. It's also where the heartbreak comes in. CoHF is the only one of the six books that made me cry, and not only a little. No spoilers to be told, but it's really sad. Of course Cassie doesn't let our hearts be broken, she gives us a little glimmer of hope which folds out in "Tales from Shadowhunter Academy"... maybe a trick to get us to buy more of her books? Doesn't she know that we would do so anyway? ^^
Anyway, I don't have to say much more than this being a well thought-out ending for the main series, which pulls together most of the strings and leaves some to be explored in further books (as she always does, our Cassie). Based on that I give it a solid rating of 9 out of 10 hearts!
- xoxo Lisa
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